
osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.3英文原板

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已下载 1735 次


  • 更新了客户忘记密码的重置密码流程。通过创建24小时内有效修改密码唯一链接password_reset.php到客户邮箱而不是直接发送新密码给客户。增强了客户重置密码的安全性。
  • 增加了Action Recorder module 限制重置密码申请次数,默认5分钟内只允许一次。
  • 强化了密码加密的希哈函数passwordhash.php。
  • 其他30项更新。


15th August 2012

osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.3 is a general maintenance release improving over 30 features.

This release also introduces new Robot NoIndex and Canonical Header Tag Modules, and Google+ +1, Google+ Share, and Pinterest Social Bookmark Modules.


  • Administration Tool -> Tools -> Send E-Mail
Convert HTML e-mail to plain-text if HTML E-Mails is disabled.

  • tep_redirect()
Fix URL encoding by replacing '&' with '&'.

  • Administration Tool -> Tools -> Define Languages
Keep the selected language in the language selection pull down menu.

  • Checkout Process
Improve checking of shopping cart product attributes.

  • Shopping Cart

    Replace hardcoded text with new TEXT_OR and TEXT_REMOVE language definitions.

  • Product Info

    Redirect to store index if no product ID exists in the request URL.

  • Administration Tool Dashboard Modules
Properly close HTML links.

  • New Products Module
Fix check on new products existing.

  • Administration Tool -> Catalog -> Reviews
Fix typo in table width.

  • tep_image()

    Remove extra space in image title.

  • Administration Tool -> Tools -> Action Recorder
Fix paging of action recorder listing.

  • Administration Tool -> Catalog -> Categories/Products
Fix casing of onkeyup HTML attribute.

  • Administration Tool -> Catalog -> Categories/Products

    Remove legacy product preview code.

  • Checkout Confirmation
Improve checking of order comments.
  • Shopping Cart

  • Manufacturers
Improve filtering of manufacturers.

  • Product Information
Fix the total number of product reviews to count only the reviews in the selected language.

  • Sessions - tep_session_register()
Also reference and keep track of null variables in the session. This general bug fix also addresses a compatibility issue with PHP 5.4.0.

  • Sessions - tep_session_recreate()
Replace internal logic to use session_regenerate_id() for PHP 5.1+ servers. If $SID is defined, also update its value with the new session ID.

  • Product Information

    Prevent the session ID being added to product images.

  • Payment Class

    Remove legacy PHP 3 code.

  • GZIP Compression
Automatically disable if PHP 5.4.0 to PHP 5.4.5 is used due to PHP bug #55544.

  • Checkout Shipping

    Improve checking of the shopping cart ID.

  • Time Zone Compatibility
Improve PHP 5.2 Time Zone compatibility by setting the time zone to CFG_TIME_ZONE or to the default time zone if it is not defined.

  • General
Typecast remaining variables used in SQL queries.

  • Administration Tool -> Modules

    Fix edit button link containing the module code.

  • Administration Tool -> Tools -> Banner Manager
Properly delete banner image when the banner is being deleted.

  • Social Bookmark Modules

    Replace hardcoded 'images/' path with DIR_WS_IMAGES.

  • New Robot NoIndex Header Tag Module

    Adds a noindex meta tag to specified pages.

  • New Google+ +1 Button and Google+ Share Social Bookmark Modules

    Adds Google+ +1 and Google+ Share buttons to the product information page.
  • New Canonical Header Tag Module

    Adds canonical meta links to the product information and category listing pages.

  • New Pinterest Social Bookmark Module
Adds Pinterest share button to the product information page.

  • Libraries Update
    • 960gs updated to latest version.
    • jQuery 1.4.2 to 1.8.0.
    • jQuery UI 1.8.6 to 1.8.22.
    • bxGallery compatibility changes for jQuery 1.8.0.




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